We have two configurations of pre-fab steel clad restrooms, the My Town Series for sites with sewer and water services (or equivalent), and the Our Country Series for sites without sewer and water services.
The buildings are our third-generation modular restroom building system, designed in collaboration with local government, roads authorities and Parks agencies and manufactured in Australia using locally sourced components and materials. Our systems are refined from 28 years as a specialist provider of public restroom design, construction and maintenance that delivers:
- A safe, hygienic and inviting facility for patrons;
- A design that encompasses designed for the disabled, Universal Design Principles and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles discouraging anti-social behaviour;
- Vandal resistant design from a building system level down to fixtures and surfaces;
- Cost-effective operation and maintenance as cost-of-life. This considers cleaning requirements, vandal resistance and minimising costs of vandal rectification;
- Exceeded compliance with all Australian Building Codes, Australian Standards, especially the most recent AS 1428.1 (2009) with focused compliance on the Disability Discrimination Act;
- In integrated documentation package including engineering certification & BA documentation.
The buildings consist of a pre-cast concrete slab, galvanised and painted steel frame with Colorbond steel cladding. The buildings are 75% assembled in our factory and then shipped to site for installation. On-site installation and commissioning is typically 1 to 2 days.
Pre-fabricated construction permits the use of high technology manufacturing equipment not feasible in conventional on-site construction. This leads to higher quality construction, finish and longevity minimises on-site work requirements, reducing costs and logistics difficulties. On-site installation and commissioning is typically 1 to 1.5 days. This enables a huge cost savings over conventional on-site construction on remote sites.